Seizing the day in Spain and Portugal

by Lt. Colonel Sheila Davisson

A year has passed rather quickly it seems, since we came to lead the Spain and Portugal Command. We have adjusted well living in Lisbon, Portugal, and spending up to a third of each month in Spain. It has been a steep learning curve, yet an amazing adventure and blessing. We have visited all corps and institutions in Spain and Portugal, each of which are beautiful expressions of The Salvation Army.

Salvationists here are the spirit of the Army and are eager to grow and engage in mission opportunities. For example, we were privileged to be present for the enrollment of 25 new soldiers in one corps and several other enrollments across the command this year.

We see the local leaders with their corps officers engaging in ministries in their communities and responding to God’s call to serve in missions.

There is such great potential for even more. Of course, we continue to face the challenges of how to move forward with diminishing international funds although our charity shop initiatives are proving worthwhile.

In just two years Spain and Portugal will celebrate 50 years of Salvation Army work at a combined Congress in 2021 with the General. By faith, we pray for new leaders to arise and celebrate with even more soldiers along with cadets!

We have active plans starting this year for a summer-long intensive discipleship program and announcements of a new field-based, flexible training program, followed by the possibility of new corps plants in 2020. Through it all we remember the advice given by one of our own training officers to learn to breathe underwater!





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