Coming to terms

by Lt. Lucas Gantner Reconciliation is challenging for me because it implies someone has ...

Filling the vacuum

by Lt. Johnathan Harvy* I was brought up in Jamaica by my grandmother who ...

Taking a leap of faith

by Lt. Megan McClintock I was fortunate to be raised in a wonderful Christian ...

McKee serves in Ukraine relief

Major Mike McKee, Indiana divisional emergency disaster services (EDS) director, was deployed this spring ...

Finding freedom in Christ

by Lt. Justin Bluer* While my family didn’t attend church when I was growing ...


6,588 days and counting by Major Jenny Ortman I knew there were things about ...

Territory expands options for officer development

by Lt. Colonel Darlene Harvey Officer Resource and Development Secretary For more than four ...

A powerful point of connection

by Lt. Colonel Darlene Harvey When the Salvation Army Continuing Education Program (SACEP) moved ...

Riding for hope

Professional fundraising cyclist Paul Lelli is riding this summer to raise money to aid ...

A celebration of faith and mission

For the 1,121 delegates who gathered in Milwaukee, Wis., for the first in-person Commissioning ...