by Colonel Janice A. Howard
Territorial Secretary for Leader Development

Hope. What is it? Miriam-Webster offers a few definitions including: to want something to happen or be true; to desire with expectation of obtainment or fulfillment.

Think about your hopes. Where are they placed? Do you have hopes for your children, your future or your career? What do you do in the meantime? Do you just hope or is there some action needed on your part? Often, we must act for our hopes to come to fruition. I hoped to marry Steve; you can rest assured there was action on my part. I hope to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew  5:23, KJV); there are actions which are needed on my part for that to happen.

This year we are celebrating 10 years of the birth of Pathway of Hope (POH). The initiative does not produce instant successes for families who enroll—families who are hoping for a better outcome for their lives than what they are experiencing at that time. It takes action. It takes hard work. It takes intentional steps forward. It takes a team of people working together. It takes hope.

As Miriam-Webster states, hope takes someone “to want something to happen or be true;” it takes someone “to desire with expectation of obtainment or fulfillment.” For 10 years, POH has walked a journey—a pathway of hope—to assist men, women and children to see their hopes achieved. Those hopes have included getting out of debt, purchasing a home, receiving a high school diploma, being financially independent, etc. There were many action steps for the enrollees to take. The steps are not easy, but they can lead to a less stressful and more productive life.

What are your hopes? What do you desire to have fulfilled? Is there a person or a team who could come alongside you and encourage you to take the necessary steps? Your corps is available to talk to you about Pathway of Hope and to enroll you in this journey. Reach out today if you are ready to take action to make your hopes become your reality.





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