Wednesday mornings and Friday evenings groups of women from the Kansas City Blue Valley, Mo., Corps can be found gathering for fellowship, prayer and learning. The two groups engage in the same activities, with one being led in English and the other in Spanish, providing opportunities for all to enjoy the lessons in their heart language.

To kick off the new year, Major Patricia Giron, corps officer, organized a partnership with Missouri State University to engage the women in a nine-week health and nutrition course. An instructor from the university provided a lesson and taught participants a new recipe, which they prepared and ate together. When due to the pandemic they sometimes were unable to meet in person, the women picked up ingredients from the corps and joined a virtual class, preparing and eating the meal with their families instead.

Plans are being made for a similar course in gardening and an additional weekly Zumba class in the coming months. “It’s planning things we can do together, to grow as a community,” said Major Patricia. “My hope is that these classes will allow us to make more connections.”

Over the past year women’s ministries participants have grown in their faith and commitment, with one member accepting to the role of home league secretary and two more stepping up to provide support and leadership.

“I can see their potential,” said Major Patricia. “They are growing in Christ and participating more, even assisting with Sunday worship services.”

The corps recently enrolled six senior and five junior soldiers, as well as two adherents, one of whom first connected with the corps through women’s ministries.

The major concluded, “It is so beautiful to see how people’s lives change when they come to Christ, how it changes their perspective and they start to grow. For me, women’s ministries isn’t just a program, it’s in my heart.”






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