by Lt. Colonel Darlene Harvey
Officer Resource and Development Secretary

This month the Territorial Officer Resource and Development Department should have been traveling to Israel for the Biblical Education Tour to the Holy Land. Unfortunately, it has been cancelled for 2024 due to the conflict in the Middle East. Hopefully, it will be more peaceful soon for the people in this region, and 2025 will allow safe travels to the Holy Land again.

As we continue to focus on Territorial Commander Commissioner Evie Diaz’s emphasis on the Fruit of the Spirit, in March we are looking at peace. Peace can be described as an absence of conflict or a period where there is no war or when war has ended. As we look at our world, we certainly are praying for peace between countries. We see how many innocent people are hurting. Our hearts go out to them. We are praying for God’s intervention and for wisdom for world leaders.

We not only pray for peace in our world, but we pray for unity and harmony within our communities,
corps and families. Matthew 12:25 says a “household divided cannot stand.” To have peace and unity, we need to focus on others—being sensitive to listen and understand. We also need to make sure we are seeking God’s will from His Word, and that love is our primary goal.

Furthermore, to have peace with others, we need to have peace within ourselves. I tend to be a worrier, which can impact my personal peace, as well as peace with others. Philippians 4:4-8 is my go to whenever I feel the enemy is attacking my peace. Paul reminds us not to be anxious but to pray about everything with thanksgiving. If I start with thanksgiving—whether about myself, others or a situation—it helps me be more positive in remembering how God has worked in the past or seeing how He already is at work. Paul goes on to say the peace that transcends all understanding will guard our hearts and minds. Lastly, he says we need to focus our thoughts on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy.

I pray that you will experience more peace within yourself and with others. While it is hard for us individually to impact wars and affect world peace, we can make a difference right where we are. As the familiar song lyrics beautifully put it, “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.” Remember to pray with thanksgiving when you feel anxious and follow Paul’s instructions from Romans 12:18 (NIV): “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”




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