For Major Tim Meyer, Eastern Michigan (EMI) divisional secretary, running to maintain a healthy lifestyle is a discipline; running for a cause, however, is a passion.
Major Tim first started running as a schoolboy competing in track and field events and continued the practice while in the U.S. Air Force, but as a young college student, Salvation Army officer, husband and father he had a hard time finding space in his schedule and gave it up. A few years later, motivated by others in his life who stayed active, he decided to start running again and made a goal to run in a race.
“The first few times I went out, I couldn’t jog around the block without stopping,” he said. “I followed a training plan and ran the Chicago Marathon the next year. It’s really a matter of training and discipline.”
An avid runner for many years now, the major is using his method of maintaining good health to raise awareness and funds for victims of human trafficking.
“I have run for many causes over the years,” he said, “including Salvation Army fundraisers, a children’s hospital and World Services/Self-Denial, but I think my choice to now run for anti-human trafficking is going to stick.”
In the last year the major ran the Detroit International Half Marathon, using crowdsourcing on social media to raise funds for EMI’s anti-human trafficking efforts. The money raised contributed to providing survivors of human trafficking with basic needs like kitchen and laundry supplies, hygiene items and gas cards as they begin to rebuild their lives.
“Human trafficking is an insidious problem,” Major Tim said. “Even though I don’t have direct contact with the individuals we assist, running provides a time for prayer and reflection for me, and it’s great to know I’m able to contribute to helping victims by raising money.”
In October the major hopes to run the Detroit Marathon with a team of 10 or more friends, colleagues and Salvationists who will each raise money for anti-trafficking efforts in EMI. The Salvation Army has been designated an official charity of the race this year.
Join Major Tim and fellow Salvationists for the annual Run for the World 5K at commissioning weekend this June!