What I found at camp quotes

by Jerrie Miller, territorial youth specialist


As of September 2014, over 16,000 people have experienced Salvation Army camps in the Central Territory. When asked to help our editorial department with a Central Connection article about camp, I turned to my friends on social media.

My post was simple. “Please finish this sentence. At camp I found _______.”

I was surprised and blessed by the responses. I hope you will be as well. They speak volumes about the ministry of camp.


Renee Brewer Johnson: Friends. Good times and Jesus.

Major Mary Thomas: Fellowship and friendships.

Dawn Crowell Windham: My God. My dearest friends. My mentors. My passion. Myself.

Major Tammy Miller: My husband, Jon Miller.

Debbie Willey Shanahan: My bed and clothes missing from my room!

Major Mary Hunt: My husband, Dale, a love for camping, many friends, my calling and confidence.

Colonel Dawn Heatwole: Passion for camp, joy in seeing kids enjoy being kids. 

Captain Carol Lewis: Jesus, on July 5th, 1975 at music camp. 

Major Lesa Davis: My best friend and my other best friend. One of them, I married. The other one, well … she’s still my best friend.

Becky Clark: (Summer 1) A snake nest under our cabin porch. (Summer 2) Tadpoles under our cabin porch. Also, good friends.

Sharon Amick: My calling, and a deep desire to live for Jesus.

Georice Thomas: Hope, trust, love, a call to work with children and endless love of Christ.

Marissa Johnson: Myself. 

Brittany Alexandria Parks: The Lord’s many masterpieces.

Major Carla Hickam Voeller: In the summer of 1966 I was saved at Army Lake Camp. Literally—from near drowning. Three summers later, in June of 1969, I found Jesus at sunbeam camp. Also, my calling to officership on February of 1975.

Linda Bandy Himes: Jesus. CBLI 1984. 

Major Normalene Daniels: I found my best friends. 

Lt. Melissa Sivels: Joy, my calling and life-long friendships.

Major Poppy Thompson: Pastorally minded officers who wanted me to know Jesus first and earn a badge second.

Captain Chrissy Cooper: My husband. 

Lt. Nikki Hughes: My calling and friends!

Major Charlotte Hall: My calling and a place to belong. Camp is my happy place.

Major Brenda Herival: My husband. 

Lynda Carr Cooper: Music and Jesus! 🎺

Stephanie Hansel: I found my never failing support group. 

Becky Clark: Ooh! At sunbeam camp many moons ago the candy fairy came, if we went to bed on time! In the morning we found candy. 

Debbie Reno Holman: Jesus. 

Gerald Horman: I found adults who love Jesus and dedicate their lives to helping the young people who attend from an array of backgrounds. No other place on earth like your camps. 

Diana Sparks Vent Nolan: I found and continue to find the Holy Spirit moving across the waters and through His people young and old.

Major Laura Key: My husband and my best friend (Carol Hedgren) at sunbeam camp when we were six years old!!!

Lori Davis Gardner: Jesus, my husband, a love for the outdoors, posion ivy… I’m extremely grateful for three of the four.

Carrie Cisco: Jesus, self-confidence and lifelong friendships!

Major Jon Miller: Jesus-1972, Tammy -1984 CBLI. 

Rita Summit: I found so many blessings. The greatest are the wonderful children and adults I love and thank God for!

Gerrie Griswold: I found Jesus! And friends who support me through thick to thin… Friendships that have lasted over 35 years.


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