Kenya West Centenary Celebrations

General Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham led Kenya West Territory’s celebrations of the Centenary of East Africa Territory on 22–25 February 2024.

Guests included Colonels Chatonda and Joyce Theu (territorial leaders for Uganda Territory) and Majors Emmanuel and Dancille Ndagijimana (Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries of Rwanda and Burundi Territory). All were warmly welcomed by territorial leaders, the pastoral committee, divisional and district leaders, and a host of Salvationists at Kisumu International Airport.


Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham based her opening sermon on Psalm 100, encouraging the congregation to praise, worship and give thanks to God, who is ready to ‘pull down his blessings into their open, receptive hearts’. General Buckingham thanked God for his faithfulness in Kenya West. He expressed his appreciation of those who brought The Salvation Army to this territory and all faithful officers for continuing their mission and ministry. He urged the congregants to open their hearts and hands to God, asking him to guide them in the continuity of God’s Kingdom.

Colourful performances characterised the service, with a narration of the inception of The Salvation Army in Kenya, and later in Kenya West, dramatised by cadets. World leaders viewed the musical extravaganza and the exhibitions from different divisions and districts.


Retired officers and cadets gathered the following day. Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham encouraged them to remain refreshed and to lead those bestowed to them in love in order for them to feel equally refreshed. The General thanked officers for their dedication to God’s service. His sermon from Psalm 23:1-6 urged them to follow God who ‘leads to righteous paths’ and who is always close to them as their shepherd in order to let what follows in their wake be goodness, mercy and love.

Rallies for men, women and youth were enjoyed. Through the words of Hebrews, General Buckingham encouraged men to throw off anything that causes them to stumble. He asked them to be men of honour and truth, with pure hearts and action that serve God wholeheartedly. Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham asked women to allow God to take care of their issues and invited them to be transformed and to live a Christ-like life. She called upon them to give themselves to worship, and to love and hold the hand of God who leads them. The General urged the youth to allow God to be their king, to worship him, to live holy lives, and to be people of prayer and service. He reminded them that God has a purpose for their lives and wants to be in a relationship with them.


On Sunday 25 February, leaders saluted over 20,000 soldiers who marched through the streets and gathered for a holiness meeting. Dignitaries from Kakamega County, led by the Governor, two Members of Parliament and Members of the County Assembly, supported the event. While installing the new territorial leaders, the General commended Colonels Geoff and Kalie Webb to the territory as people who promote holiness and love Jesus, and he charged all to support them. Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham’s talk encouraged the congregants to keep trusting in God for direction.

The General shared a prayer list for The Salvation Army in Kenya West and around the world. He asked the Salvationists to remain a people of praise, prayer and the Word, who proclaim the gospel and are a holy people in a serving Army. Hundreds of soldiers flocked to the mercy seat and the General prayed for them.

Major Linet Odanga and Ms Iris Chebet, Territorial Editor and Assistant Editor, Kenya West Territory




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