by Captain Josh Polanco

The first Northern Division Hispanic Family Retreat took place at Northwoods Camp with the theme “Juntos” (Together) inspired by Psalm 133:1 (NLT): “How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony.”

One hundred delegates from the Minneapolis Central, Minneapolis Temple, Lakewood Temple, and the Noble Worship Center corps attended the weekend.

Envoys Alberto and Ody Giraldo, Chicago Lawn corps officers, and their corps’ praise team led the gathering with great sensitivity to the Holy Spirit in worship, preaching and teaching.

Our hope for the weekend was to experience the fruit of Christian unity. Each day we met together to encounter God in worship and teaching. We also gathered to enjoy one another’s company through many fun family activities and meals, including an amazing Mexican feast cooked on the grill by men from Minneapolis Temple and featuring delicious side dishes and homemade salsas prepared by delegates.

Each session focused on a practice of the early Church as seen in Acts 2:42-47. One after the other  built an awareness that Christian unity is essential for the work of the Spirit in our corps, as well as being a prerequisite for corps growth.

As in Acts 2, the Holy Spirit moved as we gathered together for every session but especially during the Saturday night meeting held under a tent. As Orlando Jimenez from Minneapolis Temple Corps led us in worship, the Spirit of God descended. With every song and testimony, our hearts were prepared for what was to take place. Brother Orlando witnessed of God’s faithfulness to his family, sharing God had healed his wife from cancer and allowed her to have a child even though doctors said it was impossible. He testified with God all things are possible and pointed to the young man playing drums, exclaiming: “He is my son and my partner in ministry today!” After his testimony many delegates prayed for one another, and healing tears flowed as God ministered to our hearts well into the night.

It was an amazing weekend, and its impact is still being felt. We are hearing of families who continue to practice what they learned by gathering for meals and Christian fellowship with one another.

If God can do such marvelous things over a weekend, how much more will He do when corps strive to live together in harmony?






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