A look behind the scenes: Ministry Discovery Program

The Ministry Discovery Program provides opportunities for those interested in ministry through The Salvation Army to spend up to two years looking behind the scenes to discover the ins and outs of officership as interns in a corps setting.

Coming from many backgrounds and stages of life, interns gain experience by joining in a wide variety of ministries from providing social services to planning and leading worship services and programs. They are included in work like budget preparation, meetings with advisory boards and corps councils, and fundraising such as the red kettle campaign. This gives them insight into the daily lives of corps officers.

“I grew up in The Salvation Army and transitioned into the Ministry Discovery Program after being employed at a divisional headquarters for 16 years,” said Accepted Candidate Matt McCarter, intern at the Lincoln, Neb., Corps. “I still have so much to learn about the day-to-day work of corps officers, and I’m thankful for great teachers and mentors.”

Regular check-ins with the corps officers, divisional candidates’ secretary and territorial candidates’ secretary encourage dialogue, allow interns to gain insight into their strengths and areas that need development, and help them to make informed decisions. Many, like Matt, choose to become officers; some move on to other opportunities.

Christians, 18 and older, who are interested in officership are encouraged to consider learning more
through this program.

For more information, contact your divisional candidates’ secretary.




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