Commissioning weekend to launch Central Territory’s direction

If ever compassion needed an Army, it’s now. An Army of God’s soldiers ready and willing to care for the lonely, to stand up to hatred, to stare down injustice, to relieve suffering, to embrace the hurting. With the theme Compassion has an Army, this year’s commissioning weekend, June 7-9, will explore the life-changing—world-changing—power of compassion and the role we play.

The event will feature the insightful and enriching ministry of Dr. Bill and Diane Ury, national ambassadors for holiness. Since their marriage in 1984 the Urys have enjoyed a rich life of ministry together. Appointed to their role in 2017, the Urys have been in high demand, crisscrossing the country, speaking at holiness seminars, officers’ councils, soldiers’ rallies and a diverse array of teaching and preaching events. Delegates will be blessed by their love for Jesus, compassionate witness, knowledge of God’s Word and emphasis on discipleship.

Over the three days spent together we will journey from a broad appreciation of the Army’s global ministry to a personal and challenging application on Sunday.

Compassion, My World

Friday night’s keynote, Compassion, My World, will focus on the inspiring international work of The Salvation Army. It is a celebration of what God is doing around the world as we, the Central Territory, join with our partner territories by investing in life-changing ministries. This meeting will highlight amazing achievements through the Central Territory’s 20 New Corps initiative, as well as people in our territory who have been personally blessed by the international mission of the Army. It will serve as a fitting forum to both endorse and dedicate those joining the summer mission teams for 2019. The night promises to be an action-packed event, rich in multiculturalism, music and testimonies, filled with blessings, and one that will prove spiritually uplifting.

Reflecting on the event Lt. Colonel Philip Maxwell, territorial program secretary, said, “Since arriving in my appointment last year, I have been struck by both the commitment and sacrifice that this territory gives in supporting the Army internationally. Friday night is the opportunity for us to tell our story, to receive encouragement by what God has done and to be challenged about our future.”

Continuing Friday night’s international emphasis, the 5K Run for the World early Saturday morning gives delegates the opportunity to raise funds and get up close and personal with our territorial leaders. It’s the perfect way to get the blood pumping while supporting the Army’s compassionate programs globally before taking on the day.

Sacred Conversations, an initiative of the territorial multicultural department, also will take place early on Saturday morning and allow delegates to invest in fellowship, prayer and God’s Word before venturing into the day’s activities.

Compassion, My Mission

Saturday morning’s united sessions will further our journey as we get a glimpse of the direction that we are embarking on as a territory. Building on the work that is being undertaken by the strategic leadership team in consultation across the territory, Compassion, My Mission, will unveil the new strategic plan and direction for the Central Territory. You won’t want to miss this important meeting.

Compassion, My Territory

Under the banner, Compassion, My Territory, the Saturday evening session will provide the opportunity for delegates to unite and celebrate some of the significant God-inspired, God-infused transformational ministries and initiatives undertaken by the territory. Come hear stories of individuals who have been changed by God through The Salvation Army as the cycle of poverty has been broken and they’ve been given hope. See how corps and centers are integrating their community-based programs into the worship life of their congregation.

Compassion, My Life

On Sunday morning during Compassion, My Life, the personal call to compassionate service will be highlighted with the commissioning and ordination of the “Messengers of Compassion” session of cadets. Those attending not only will be moved by the commitment being made by the cadets but will be encouraged to look at their own lives and ask how God would have them live out their faith.

Compassion, My Future

The weekend will conclude with Compassion, My Future, which will, of course, feature the happy and long-awaited appointments of the new lieutenants. Alongside this challenge will be the individual charge to go into the world and make a difference and to see “more people, more like Jesus.”

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