New beginnings make new endings

I recently read, “No one can start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” In other words, we don’t start over, but we can begin again right where we are, making things better in our lives.

It’s 2019, a new year. Millions of people again are making New Year’s resolutions, hoping to spark positive change. The recurring themes include a more active approach to health and fitness, improved finances and personal and professional development. In all likelihood, more than a couple of the 10 most common resolutions look familiar:

1. Exercise more
2. Lose weight
3. Get organized
4. Learn a new skill or hobby
5. Live life to the fullest
6. Save more money; spend less money
7. Quit smoking
8. Spend more time with family and friends
9. Travel more
10. Read more

However, once the glow of a new year wears off many of us struggle to make good on our plans. Even though most New Year’s resolutions are kept no more than three weeks, it’s not surprising we want to change things in our lives we’re unhappy about.

As Christians, though, we are faced with an important question: Are our New Year’s resolutions based on our own desires or God’s desire for our lives?

The Lord has made everything beautiful in its time. His plans for our lives are more than we can imagine because of His boundless love for us. Romans 8:28 (NIV) says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” We can find comfort in knowing we serve a God who loves us and is at work in our lives. When we align our desires with His plans, great things will come!

This year let’s make time to reflect on what God has done in our lives. Rather than rushing ahead, let’s think about when the Lord has been faithful and how our lives are being used to bring God glory. When we see all the Lord has done, we can look to the future with hopeful expectation.

Isaiah 43:19 (NIV) says, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

How we end 2019 will be determined by how we start it. HAPPY NEW BEGINNINGS!




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