Living Lent 2020 — March 6


Who is a God like you,
    who pardons sin and forgives the transgression
    of the remnant of his inheritance?
You do not stay angry forever
    but delight to show mercy.
You will again have compassion on us;
    you will tread our sins underfoot
    and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.
You will be faithful to Jacob,
    and show love to Abraham,
as you pledged on oath to our ancestors
    in days long ago (Micah 7:18-20).



What is your picture of God? The Bible is full of word pictures that try to describe God to us. Some of them are familiar — parent, judge, shepherd, and so on. Here’s one I don’t hear very often — One who takes delight in showing mercy. Here is a picture of a God who jumps for joy when His people give Him the opportunity to show His unfailing love and grant forgiveness. And that’s not all! He takes our sins and tramples them under His feet, He throws them into the depths of the ocean … never to surface again.

This is rich and maybe surprising imagery. It might take some doing to even think about a God who delights in showing mercy. Let Him do it for you today!


Do something that brings you pure delight today. Better still, do something that will bless someone else today. Jump for joy — and give someone else a reason to do the same!


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