National Seminar on Evangelism

by Major Donna Leedom

The National Seminar on Evangelism (NSE) is the one nationally supported event with the specific goal of enhancing soldiers in personal spiritual growth and disciple-making. Begun as a training event for local leaders, it has grown into an event that inspires a team approach to inclusive ministry that is modeled by NSE staff and their Glen Eyrie hosts.

The spirit of evangelism begins as delegates enter the Glen Eyrie Conference Center in Colorado Springs, Colo. The grounds are a sanctuary over which the Glen Eyrie staff regularly prays with a focus on meeting the needs of those they serve; eliminating distractions that might keep guests from receiving everything God has prepared for them during their visit. That spirit continues as the  soldiers and officers selected to serve on staff at NSE arrive a few days early to unite as a team in preparation to both teach and demonstrate the principles shared throughout the week.

Intentionally, staff members, who are teachers and leaders throughout the week, serve as greeters at the airport, luggage handlers at registration, hosts at mealtimes and exemplify true hospitality. As they listen to the faith stories of delegates at mealtimes, during breaks or morning devotional hikes, staff members invest both time and attention into the lives of others. Having listened and learned, they then help the delegates to make connections in faith and truth that often alter their lives in powerful and positive ways.

Having experienced the prayerful preparation of both place and event, genuinely humble service, investment of time and attention in listening, learning and loving guidance toward greater faith and spiritual growth, delegates then are encouraged to meet together in corps groups to consider how they might “go and do likewise” by taking the principles, both spoken and exemplified, back home for ministry.

This past year 28 delegates attended from the Central Territory, representing seven corps and a  divisional headquarters. Many others who have attended in years past, even some who have been on staff, continue to evangelize by practicing true hospitality of heart. You probably know some of them. They are the people who in both obvious and quiet ways leap from the high and holy places every day to bring Good News and a warm welcome to those in low places.



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