What is Bible Correspondence?

by Melody Rosa


The Bible Correspondence program is one of several services offered free-of-charge to prison inmates and their families through the Central Territorial Correctional Services office.

The curriculum was developed for individual inmates to study and learn the Bible. It’s expanded to include the adult family members of offenders.

The curriculum takes a fundamental approach to studying scripture so it’s suitable for those with limited or no exposure to the Bible. Yet, the questions go deep enough for someone with a knowledge base as well. The program offers six consecutive courses, which are broken down into 78 lessons. The materials are offered in English and Spanish. Overall, the program assists in the development of spiritual formation as well as motivation to grow in the knowledge of God.

To get started the student must complete an application form and introductory lesson, which is then sent back to our territorial corrections office. The student’s information is registered into our information management system. Then the introductory lesson is graded and returned to them with The Life of Christ workbook and a copy of the War Cry magazine. The student can then go on to complete the first course, sending it back for grading once the course had been completed.

Upon completion of each course the student receives a certificate of completion and may start the next one. The student graduates the program once all six courses are complete, and he or she receives a pocket New Testament with their name gold stamped on the cover.


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