A heart for God and others

Emergency disaster services (EDS) is close to Micheal Stack’s heart. As territorial EDS training coordinator, he is using his passion to develop comprehensive training opportunities for officers and volunteers throughout the Midwest.

“I’m equipping people across the Central Territory to help others in their darkest time,” said Micheal. “God is going to use us when we have a heart that is prepared to love Him and love others.”

It is Micheal’s faith that drives him. Although he didn’t grow up in a Christian home, he was invited to a youth meeting and accepted Christ at a church in high school.

“I remember not knowing a lot about God and being interested in what He might have for my life,” he said. “I accepted Jesus, and it’s been a wild ride!”

Micheal began attending the Flagstaff, Ariz., Corps with his future wife, Jessica, while completing his studies at Northern Arizona University. He knew The Salvation Army was the right place to be.

“I loved the fact that the Army was a church that was doing something. This isn’t just a church that’s preaching. They’re walking the walk and talking the talk,” he said. “The young adult Sunday school teacher taught me a lot, and God was giving me the answers I was looking for. It made a tremendous difference in my life.”

Several years later Micheal’s love for EDS developed while he was an officer serving in Hawaii. As both divisional youth secretary and EDS director, his responsibilities were as varied as they were important.

When a youth rally had to be canceled at the last minute due to a volcanic eruption on the Big Island, instead of leading youth in worship Micheal met with the mayor. The Salvation Army was asked to manage all of the in-kind donations and feeding for the thousands of people who were displaced. It was a big job, but Micheal trusted God to provide the resources and volunteers to serve the people affected while enabling vital ministry to youth.

“What I loved about the EDS work was I could be helping clean out a damaged home in the morning and meeting with the mayor in the afternoon,” he said.




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