SA Gaming, a video gaming ministry introduced by the territorial youth department during the height of pandemic lockdowns in March 2020, has grown to more than 350 members. It’s also grown in its ministry presence by the addition of game chaplains, video devotionals posted weekly, an active prayer chat and monthly virtual community events. It is living up to its purpose of providing a safe, fun, and positive environment for gamers to come together and build community on the foundation of Christ.

In a time of social distancing, it has proven an effective means of providing connections and sharing the gospel with gamers, especially those who don’t believe in God or know Jesus Christ. Realizing what was being built was bigger than just for gamers in the Central Territory, youth department members changed the name from CYN Esports to SA Gaming which also helped the new ministry to be more readily identified with The Salvation Army.

SA Gaming uses the popular gaming app Discord to build this community. The Discord platform creates spaces for gamers to congregate, make friends and socialize with people who play the games they like. Discord makes it easy to hang out and communicate. The SA Gaming Discord also is a safe place for gamers. There is a dedicated team of moderators and chaplains who specialize in bringing the gospel to gamers while keeping the environment safe.

“We do not allow our children to play online with anyone we have not personally met with. However, with SA Gaming, we know that everyone that’s participating is in a safe environment with quality adult presence,” said Captain Sarah Windell. “Our son loves this so much that we put it into our schedule so he can have ample time with his new friends. I know that he is making quality friendships that will last when he goes to camps, conferences and adulthood. This is a program I am very comfortable with my son being a part of.”

SA Gaming features weekly video devotions, an active prayer request chat and connection points for gamers across all gaming platforms like Xbox, PS4, Switch, PC, Mobile. Community spaces are developed around many of the most popular games. There is also a feature for gamers to share their live streams from Twitch, YouTube Gaming, and Facebook Gaming. In short, they have built a place of safety, interaction, community and discipleship.

“Not only has SA Gaming been really fun to be a part of, but it’s also given me the chance to invite others that normally play by themselves. It’s a place that I know people will always be included and gives me the chance to show people the love of God,” said Gamer Noobmaster67668.

Interested in seeing what SA Gaming is all about?

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