5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … Grow! with Colonel Evie Diaz

5 true things about your spiritual journey:
  • I’m still learning and growing in my faith and understanding of my relationship with God and his people
  • Corporate worship is a significant way I connect with God
  • I don’t always feel it and it’s then when I walk by faith
  • God still surprises me with new insights
  • My life experiences are part of who I am today, both positive and challenging
4 things that have influenced your spiritual development over the years:
  • Experiencing God in multi- and cross-cultural settings has opened my eyes and heart to who God is and how He works
  • Much of my officership has included teaching and preaching which has kept me open to learning new things and confirming old truths
  • Recognizing my role as a leader and influencer has made me alert to my own need to deepen my spiritual journey
  • So many men and women of faith, younger and older, who have affected me by their lives and teaching
  • I’ve had the privilege of attending many conferences and almost always find something to move me forward in my faith walk.
3 things that keep your spiritual life on track:
  1. While I am an extrovert, I need time on my own, usually walking in nature, where I connect with God
  2. Journaling and reading help me to focus
  3. I have several people in my life who ask me how I’m doing and really mean it. Being open and honest with them helps me clarify my journey and correct my course, if needed.
2 good news things you see happening in the Army right now:

Oh so many from my vantage point today –

  • God is moving and working through the Army’s involvement in social justice issues such as the modern slavery and anti-human trafficking movement. He is using us to provide safety, security and hope.
  • The Army’s leaders are men and women who are constantly seeking God’s presence and direction for our future and for our present. It’s a privilege and blessing to work with them.
1 final thing you would say to encourage someone else on their spiritual journey:
  • In my journey, there are days when it all feels great but this journey is not flat.  There are seasons, some are my own doing of being too busy or distracted by my self-centeredness.  Other seasons seem to be God trying to speak to me in new ways and I have to settle in to hear Him and learn.  Always I want to be open even when I don’t feel like it. God is bigger than what I know today and He has so much more to show me.

Colonel Evie Diaz is a USA Central native who is currently serving as the Chief Secretary at International Headquarters in London.





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