Hispanic Retreat sparks spiritual renewal

Each day for 30 days leading up to this year’s North & Central Illinois (NCI) Divisional Hispanic Retreat, a new prayer prompt was posted on social media and emailed to delegates, encouraging them to cover every aspect of the weekend in prayer. From the children to the musical guests to the speakers, Hispanic officers, soldiers and friends prayed for God to be present and to work in and through them.

In her final post, Captain Jessica Martinez, NCI divisional secretary for Hispanic ministries, expressed her confidence in the Lord’s plans for the retreat, writing, “We have left in the hands of the Lord everything planned for this special time and trust that He has heard each of our prayers and will give according to His will. His blessing, His care, His light, His mercy, His presence, and His peace be with all and in all!”

God did not disappoint.

More than 400 individuals from across the division, the largest delegation since the pandemic, arrived at Wonderland Camp for a weekend of fellowship, worship and learning. Longtime Salvationists and regular corps members were in attendance, as well as many new migrants to the United States who have connected with corps.

From start to finish there was an atmosphere of joy as God’s Word was shared. Exuberant praise marked joint meetings, while laughter permeated the children’s track. Families and friends fellowshipped together over meals and took advantage of the beautiful weather on Saturday afternoon to enjoy outdoor activities including soccer, boat rides, fishing and swimming.

“We wanted to see renewing of our whole beings through this event,” said Alfredo Martinez, a soldier at the Aurora, Ill., Corps and territorial Hispanic ministries consultant. “It’s good having fellowship, getting to know new people, hearing what is happening in the different corps and Hispanic ministries throughout the division.”

Musical guests V-Voice, a praise band from Indiana, led worship, coordinated the youth track and played a concert on Saturday evening. The division’s Hispanic Voices also contributed praise during the weekend.

The adult track was led by Majors Marc and Karen Johnson, Indiana divisional leaders. Focusing on Romans 12:1-2, they spoke powerfully on the life transformation that is only possible in Christ, culminating on Sunday morning with a call to holiness.

Lt. Colonels Jonathan and Barbara Rich, NCI divisional leaders, supported the weekend and brought words of encouragement on Sunday morning.

“Spanish-speaking soldiers and friends comprise at least a third of the division…and growing,” said Colonel Johnathan. “Barbara and I were thrilled to take part in such a powerful moving of the Holy Spirit.”

Indeed, as the weekend came to a close, the Holy Spirit’s presence was undeniable as people lined the altar in prayer, sang and danced in the aisles, glorifying the Lord.

“God answered our prayers,” said Captain Jessica. “The Holy Spirit was present in every session. Fifteen people expressed interest in officership, and in every meeting souls met with the Lord at the altar. God is moving in the NCI Division.”





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