A few things to know about the ministry intern experience

by Stephen Keasling

Springfield, Ill., Corps Ministry Intern


  1. You will experience many of the facets of officership, which include, but are not limited to: preaching, teaching, leading character-building activities and corps cadets, coordinating volunteers, coordinating for red kettle season, working with statistics, public relations, networking, learning about social services and much more. There have been times when I’ve felt like the CEO of a company!


  1. These experiences will expose your strengths, weaknesses and need for the Holy Spirit. It’s a good thing to understand what you have a knack for and what elements of Salvation Army ministry will pose challenges for you. It primes you to take the College for Officer Training seriously, but more importantly, God will do amazing things through you when you recognize your need for Him.


  1. God will place you in a position to impact lives. Each day you will come into contact with “the least of these.” Most of the time these are clients or program participants, but sometimes they’ll appear in other capacities, and it may surprise you. All day you’ll have the opportunity and be in a position to show somebody Jesus—whether by service, showing grace or just being present for someone.


  1. Expect to gain experience being a servant leader. It isn’t the easiest thing to do, but it is rewarding, contagious and a gift. While we see the world often clings to an entitlement mentality, we’re called to meekness and humility in Christ. As a ministry intern you will grow in meekness and humility.



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