The Tri-City Corps in St. Charles, Ill., has gotten creative with scrapbooking as a thriving new women’s ministries outreach to ladies in the community. Since last August it’s been held in partnership with Kelly Taylor, whose home-based online business, One Stop Crop Shop, needed a venue to host patrons when hotels closed last year due to the pandemic. The endeavor has helped this small local business stay afloat and generated rental income for the corps.

One weekend each month, 20 women come to the corps to preserve memories, connect with others, and give back to their community. The corps’ large gymnasium allows for excellent social distancing where each lady (or family works) at her own 8-foot table. The endeavor has allowed the women a creative outlet and fellowship during a time of stress and isolation.

“Joining a women’s group is a great way to build our Christian faith and also a way to share your faith with others. You will meet women who can share their faith and experiences about how God was in control and they made it through the valleys in their lives,” said participant Judith Yaeger. “On the other hand, we can share our stories with younger women who may be struggling and just need to be heard and encouraged.”

This new women’s ministries group has connected the women to The Salvation Army’s mission. According to Lt. Dena Smith, corps officer, individual members donate items to the corps’ food pantry, give financially, and designate proceeds of sales of items to World Services/Self-Denial. Some have responded as well to the invitation to attend Sunday worship services.

“I’ve learned that the SA is a church! I had no idea. Since coming, I’ve listened to Dena’s sermon on Facebook. I enjoy being a part of this community and knowing that the SA is there to help people in need,” said Kelly.






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