5 true things about your spiritual life:
- At times it has been extraordinarily difficult
- I have had to follow God’s will and be obedient without knowing where it might lead
- I had had to tackle many sins in my life even after deciding to follow Jesus
- Quitting alcohol was the easiest part of my faith walk
- Coming to CFOT has been great but has also tested my faith in many ways
4 things that have influenced your spiritual development over the years:
- My first corps officers (Majors Jim and Liz Beardsley) continue to influence my faith walk
- My experiences at CFOT continue to bless me as I become more and more obedient to God
- The worship service where I gave my life to Christ was a true turning point for me and I’ve never been the same since
- The Cost of Discipleship (book by Bonhoeffer) made a great impact on my faith journey
3 things that keep your spiritual life on track:
- Prayer has kept me on track and keeps me sane even when life gets chaotic
- Reading the Bible and having a devotional time, no matter how busy I am has fed my soul and kept me faithful even in my darkest times
- The discipline of studying God’s Word has blessed me, as have other spiritual disciplines
2 good news things you see happening in the Army right now:
- The changes being made to make the Army more egalitarian is very encouraging to me
- Our approach to discipling youth is also very encouraging to me
1 final thing you would say to encourage someone else on their spiritual journey:
Just because you might feel God working in your life doesn’t mean He isn’t working. Pray continually for his blessing.