Partnership with City Vision University

In 2024, the USA Central Territory joined with other territories of the US in partnership with City Vision University (CVU). CVU is an accredited online Christian university that is focused almost exclusively on serving Christians who serve those who are poor and addicted. City Vision University, based in Kansas City, Missouri, was established in 1998 as Rescue College by the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions to train leaders and workers at their member missions. It was initially founded out of the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions, was accredited in 2005 and became independent in 2008. Its Mission is to use online education to transform lives through Jesus, Justice, and Technology. (see here for TSA/CVU History)
Please do not hesitate to contact Rob DeGeorge with questions.

Determining your Program
  1. CVU offers the following degrees as part of its extended relationship with The Salvation Army USA Central Territory.  It may be helpful to talk through your educational goals related to officership.  If so, do not hesitate to contact Rob DeGeorge to consider what options are available:
    1. Undergraduate and Graduate Certificate Programs (including Retail for Thrift Stores; Fundraising, & Food Service)
    2. A.S. Addictions Counseling
    3. A.S. Nonprofit Management
    4. A.A. Christian Ministry and Leadership
    5. B.S. Addictions Counseling
    6. B.A. Nonprofit Management
    7. B.A. Christian Ministry and Leadership
    8. M.S. Addictions Counseling
    9. M.S. Nonprofit Management
    10. M.A. Christian Ministry and Leadership
    11. Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  1. Contact the Academic Advising team at CVU to ask for a transcript evaluation to determine how many credits will be needed for degree completion, including General Education requirements. (Be sure that CVU has official copies of all college transcripts from the schools you have attended, including CFOT).
  1. Secure a schedule plan from CVU that indicates the degree for which you are seeking to complete, the number of hours remaining for completion and the cost per credit hour (don’t forget to ask CU about their tuition discount for all Salvation Army officers).
  1. Download and Complete the appropriate Program of Study form (located in the Educational Resources for Officers section of this website), including signing and notarizing the financial agreement, and send to your Leader for Officer Development.
  1. Once approved, you will be contacted by the ORD department at THQ and we’ll get you started on completing your degree.
Paying for your Course Work
  1. Once you have received your notification for an Approved program of Study, you are able to register for courses (no more than 6 hours concurrently or 9 hours sequentially).
  1. All Bachelor programs are covered 100% by Territorial Headquarters, and a second Bachelor is covered at 95%.  All graduate degrees are covered at 95%.
  1. Because Officer Education Assistance is a reimbursement program, you will need to plan ahead to be sure you will be able to make payments at the time of registration.  Generally, there are two payment options for officers:
    1. Cash/Check/Credit Card- with this option you will pay from your personal resources and seek reimbursement with the appropriate documentation.
    2. Cash Advance – with this option, officers work with their corps accounts/finance departments to seek a cash advance, per territorial finance policy, to secure funds to pay for courses personally.
    3. More on these options will be made available once approved for the program of study.
  1. Once payment has been made, officers submit an application for reimbursement with the ORD department. Upon approval, reimbursement is secured through the officer’s appointment and THQ then reimburses the appointment for the official portion of the education assistance.
  1. Once these steps are complete, the hard (and fun!) work begins… start crackin’ those books!