Tag: youth

Caring for children in Sri Lanka

by Stephanie Marinelli Our Partner in Mission, the Sri Lanka Territory, has continued to ...

Peer magazine recognized

Peer magazine, The Salvation Army’s national magazine for members of Gen Z, took second ...

Lincoln youth basketball program is a slam dunk

by Michelle DeRusha Sports can positively impact youth development by helping children build confidence, ...

Hope and healing in Christ

When Captains Tomas and Martha Valladares were appointed as corps officers of the Cicero, ...

730…and beyond

904 days and counting by Lt. Karen Kumar If you know me or my ...

Reclaiming ‘Girl Power’ across The Salvation Army

CELEBRATION and action marked The Salvation Army’s recognition of the International Day of the ...

730…and beyond

3,791 days and counting by Captain Claudia Simmons After a year of uncertainty, lockdowns, ...

Sells recognized by Peoria Public Schools

Major Heath Sells, Peoria Citadel, Ill., corps officer and tri-county coordinator, was named as ...

Junior soldiers rally celebrates community

by Captain Heather Montenegro In a world filled with fear and uncertainty, one of ...