Central Connection Featured Articles

A ministry of presence

by Michelle DeRusha “Our people are hurting right now,” said Dayla Picotte, a member ...

Social Justice

Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of ...

Stop the bus!

by Lt. Colonel Renea Smith, Territorial Secretary for Personnel What I love most about ...

New board aims to grow Others market

by Major Shirley King An opportunity to increase the spread of Others, The Salvation ...

The Netherlands is calling

When you think of the Netherlands, images of tulips, wooden shoes and cheese probably ...

ISB whirlwind visit packs a punch

The world renowned International Staff Band (ISB) from London, England, visited the Central Territory ...

From near death to eternal life

As a barrage of bullets tore through the thick jungle overgrowth, Rich Dorsey and ...

730 and beyond

by Lt. Joseph Irvine I’m finding life as a Salvation Army officer provides a ...

Cornet. Piano. Pickle bucket?

Opportunities for music abound at Peoria Citadel Cornet. Piano. Ukulele. Pickle bucket? No matter ...