Spiritual Life is the first of the new territorial priorities. How is it foundational to our lives and mission?
Well, we go back to our International Mission Statement. We’re part of the universal Christian Church. Our message is based on the Bible, and our ministry flows out of a love for God. We often just use the last part of that statement, “our mission is to preach the gospel and meet human needs in His name.” If we look at its entirety, the whole statement is about our relationship with God both personally and as an organization. So, our Spiritual Life is foundational. If that’s not in place, our very identity is at risk.
What is necessary for a healthy and growing Spiritual Life, both individually and jointly?
First, it’s our relationship with Jesus! To maintain that, like any relationship, there has to be intentionality. We must have communication—to pray and get instructions through God’s Word. Spiritual disciplines help us with that. I would say that being part of a body of believers, with fellowship and accountability, is integral as well. I really don’t feel that we can be healthy spiritually if we’re not. For spiritually healthy corps and centers, it’s important we come together and worship and pray. It’s the “Acts 2 life”: prayer, fellowship, discipleship. If our corps don’t have Spiritual Life as a priority, then what we do is just functional.
So Spiritual Life is then informing decisions about resources, time and programming?
Yes, that’s right.
What are some of the ways in which we’re encouraging units and individuals to focus on Spiritual Life?
We started the year with a Soldiers’ Covenant Renewal Sunday. The idea being that as we gathered together in community, we took time to renew our personal commitments to God and to The Salvation Army that He’s called
us to. A time of self-examination, reflection and dedication, giving ourselves wholly again or doing that for the first time.
We also have the United in Prayer campaign this year leading up to the Belonging Conference and Congress in June. It’s really important that together we are desiring God to move in our territory.
We are refocusing on Spiritual Life in the Command and Corps Reviews. The reviews are an opportunity to set goals to make sure that Spiritual Life is a priority. They’re also a time to celebrate what’s happening spiritually in corps. God is already at work in this territory. He is moving among us. That should be celebrated. But then thinking about, being intentional about, how we join Him in what He’s already doing.
There are other ways too, like events which give significant opportunities to introduce people to Jesus and for people to grow in their faith. For instance, Regeneration for young adults in the territory. And CBLI [Central Bible Leadership Institute], which will be a time of bringing all the priorities together.
In The Salvation Army we are so busy serving, how do we make time to just dwell in God’s presence?
Dwelling in God’s presence is not just about spending time in devotions or spiritual retreats. It really encompasses every moment of our lives, not just those times we set apart. If we’re not aware of God’s presence as we go throughout our days, then we can get in trouble.
So, some days turning our thoughts heavenward might be while we are driving from one program or activity to another, or a few minutes between meetings. It can vary in our seasons of life. Spiritual Life does require intentionality. Sometimes it means scheduling time for reflection in our calendars. There is a discipline to being spiritually healthy.
What might we see in the territory as we prioritize Spiritual Life?
I believe that our individual lives will be deeper, they will be transformative. And that will result in healthier congregations. What does that look like? People will be welcomed. People will find new life in Christ. People will become more and more involved and find their callings—whatever that might be, whether serving as local officers in corps or becoming officers. And communities will be transformed as individuals come to know Jesus and He changes their lives.