Priorities announced for Central Territory

By Commissioner Evie Diaz, Territorial Commander

I am pleased to announce the new Territorial Priorities which will guide the focus of the Central Territory: Spiritual Life, Youth and Leadership Development.

These areas were chosen primarily as a result of the 2024 corps and divisional review process which used the Territorial Mission Imperative as the focus. Divisional and territorial leadership teams held conversations at both corps and divisional levels where they celebrated strengths and identified areas which needed attention and support.

From these discussions, listening to the territory and after much prayer, it became clear that these three focus areas are where we need to direct our energy and resources.

The Spiritual Life Territorial Priority is foundational. I believe individuals across the territory long for ongoing spiritual transformation. Helping people live every day open and obedient to God’s Holy Spirit will be priority number one. This year’s corps and divisional reviews will include time to consider how we can intentionally strengthen the spiritual lives of individuals, congregations and our communities.

Prayer is essential to this priority which led to the creation of “United in Prayer,” an initiative designed to help us grow in intimacy with God, connect with what He is doing and pray together across the territory. Commit to praying with me and look for God to move in the territory as we unite in this way.

Later in 2025 the next two Territorial Priorities, Youth and Leadership Development, will be presented.

The Youth emphasis will focus on strengthening our connections with youth attending our programs, while reaching out to young people in our communities. Helping children and young people experience and deepen their relationship with Jesus and find a place of belonging within our congregations and community centers are two important aspects of this priority.

Leadership Development will focus on training and support of local leaders, soldiers and officers. Training, equipping and supporting individuals to become effective leaders will impact their own spiritual development, as well as those they interact with, and will make a difference for the sake of the Kingdom.

This month a podcast, “All We Need,” will be launched where you can hear more about the Territorial Priorities. The podcast uses 2 Peter 1:3 (NIV) as its scriptural basis: “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” You can find the “All We Need” podcast starting January 15, 2025, at and wherever podcasts are available.

During the Belonging Congress, June 6-8, 2025, stories highlighting Spiritual Life, Youth and Leadership Development from across the territory will be celebrated. I hope you plan to join in the celebration.

And there is more to come! Please join me in praying for our territory



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