Central hosts international POH visit

by Linda Brinker

The Territorial Social Services Department hosted an inaugural International Pathway of Hope (POH) meeting which was designed to enhance collaboration efforts with countries that are implementing and exploring POH.

Territorial Social Services Department staff with colleagues from Canada, Norway and Australia

The Central Territory welcomed colleagues from Canada, Norway and Australia for the weeklong event focused on providing presentations and discussions on building a strong integrated ministry through the POH model, assessing outcomes and community impact, and effective fundraising efforts to support service delivery.

Informative site visits were coordinated to provide opportunities to learn from officers and caseworkers involved in the handling of day-to-day POH services that were representative of the diverse communities where POH is being implemented, including the Oshkosh, Wis., Corps, Norridge Citadel, Ill., Corps, Chicago Irving Park Corps and the Chicago Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center. Each team shared their learning regarding teamwork, pastoral care, individualized family interventions and community collaboration with a focus on the unique holistic approach offered at their site.

Pamela Church-Pryor, Norridge community ministries director, shared about the connections made through the corps’ parenting class, which was started as a way for POH families, past and present, to form a larger support group.

“We have 25-30 parents in attendance every week,” she said. “The children attend our youth activities and divisional summer camps and many attend our Sunday services. One of the most amazing things is that we have a very diverse group of families. Pathway of Hope and the parenting class have greatly contributed to the growth and overall life of the corps.”

The Norway and Australia teams also participated in the THQ chapel service and led presentations that included information on social services offered in their countries. Although the representatives from the Australia Territory attended to gain further insights regarding POH, they left with the intention of establishing a pilot project with select locations within their territory.

The consultation confirmed the shared values and commitments to the mission of The Salvation Army and that the POH model is one that can be replicated within differing cultures and countries. The teams were truly inspired by POH international implementation and intend to continue to meet regularly to enhance POH engagement and outcomes around the world.




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