2024 Summer Mission Teams Reflections

We’ve compiled the reflections of our Summer Mission Teams here. View photos HERE.

Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic SMT Week 1 Reflection:
Upon arrival at the first location of our trip, we were welcomed into the home of our hosts with open arms and have been dwelling among their loving family. As they settled us into our rooms on our first day, the officers expressed the love of Christ with one simple statement:
“Our home is small, but our hearts are big”
Little did we know, that once sentence would encapsulate the warmth and way of life of the Dominican people.
In a short time, we have had the opportunity to serve by painting the Corps, doing community outreach in the local neighborhood, Vacation Bible School, women’s ministries, feeding the elderly and youth group in the park.
In serving this week, we have experienced a new aspect of the character of God. His Omnipresence. He is the infinite link. No language barrier, cultural difference or life experience could fully separate us. He is what makes cultural integration possible and for that we praise His mighty name in gratitude.
Psalm 139: 7-10:
“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”
Dominican Republic SMT Week 2 Reflection:
We began our second week soaking in the final days at our first host location. We spent quality time with the corps people sight seeing, having beach time and eating empanadas!
On our final night there, our team had the opportunity to lead a full service including a sermon, testimony, worship, scripture and prayer to honor The Almighty Name who brought us new friends and experiences.
On Wednesday, we arrived at our second host location. Similar to our first location, we are blessed to be staying in the home of our lovely hosts! Though we have only been here for a short time, we have had the opportunity to partake in children’s programs (English lessons and drumming lessons), Bible study, VBS planning and community outreach.
In serving these past 7 days, a new aspect of the character of God that we have experienced is His peace. We were reminded this week that to everything there is a time as we both departed from and arrived at wonderful places that have been full of blessings. We have learned that His peace is abundant in dwelling in His will wherever that may be.
‭‭Esther‬ ‭4‬:‭14‬b:
“And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
Dominican Republic Week 3 Reflection:
This week our team experienced an abundance of ministry opportunity. We walked around neighborhoods holding up posters that spoke the Truth of the Gospel, danced in joy with the children at VBS, shared fellowship around dinner tables with incredible corps people and felt His Presence touch our hearts at Bible studies.
A new aspect of the character of God that we encountered this week was His attention to detail. Intertwined throughout every ministry experience, emotion and miracle witnessed was the reminder of His love. The heartbeat of our God is everywhere, if only we might search for it.
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭7‬ ‭NIV‬‬:
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
Dominican Republic SMT Week 4 Reflection:
Since our arrival at our final host location, we have had the honor of serving alongside corps people and officers in leading a variety of different childrens programs including VBS, choir, basic music theory/rhythm and dance.
Throughout every activity, whether we are painting the corps, taking an evangelism walk or attending a Bible study, the youth are always there and ready to serve and participate.
A new aspect of the character of God that we have encountered this week is
His purity of heart. Just like a child, He so freely and honestly loves. Ready to embrace us fully and completely.
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭31‬:‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬:
“Long ago the Lord said to Israel: “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.”
Dominican Republic Week 5 Reflection:
Our final week in the DR was a last little taste of all different kinds of ministry opportunities. We spent time painting pictures with the kids, attending Bible study, partaking in elderly ministry, leading sports activities and more.
Our team feels extremely blessed to have had the honor of joining in ministry with the Salvation Army in the Dominican Republic this summer. We want to thank all of our hosts for welcoming us with open arms and for allowing us to serve the Lord along side them. We also want to thank everyone back home who has supported us through prayer and other means. We love you all very much. Dios te bendiga ❤️
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬-‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬:
“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now,”


Malaysia SMT Week 1 Reflection:
After 30 hours of sitting in planes and a drive to Ipoh, the Malaysia team made it to the childrens home and boys home! We were met with so much excitement and smiles! It has been such a blessing getting to know each boy and girl this past week!
The girls on the Malaysia team are staying at the Children’s Home with about 30 girls from ages 4 to 19 years old, and the boys on our team are staying at the Boy’s Home with about 15 boys from ages 5 to 21.
In the mornings when the kids are in school, the boys have been hard at work on the landscaping around the Boy’s Home while the girls are at the Children’s Home sorting the food pantry and organizing the bookshelves.
Then the fun part comes when the kids are back from school, the time is spent playing indoor and outdoor games, talking, helping them with their English, and learning more about God! We have the privilege of teaching nightly devotions. The kids love singing praises to God and it is so inspiring watching them love, trust, and thank God even through their hard experiences. We are so excited to grow closer with these amazing, fun, and sweet kids throughout the next 3 weeks here!
Malaysia SMT Week 2 Reflection:
This past week has been such a joy spending time with the kids! We are now fully used to the 13 hour time change. It has been very hot and humid but we praise God for bringing us here!
We led “Praise Kids” with VBS material and loved making a craft, playing a game, singing, and learning about the Beattitudes in Matthew. When the kids were at school, we painted a room at the Elderly Care Center and spent time making cards for the 30 senior residents.
Singing and praising God with these kids reminds us of the verse in Matthew 19:14 when Jesus says, “Let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
We are extremy thankful for the opportunity to share in joy and laughter together! Our hearts are filled with compassion. Every day we strive to glorify God and show the love of Jesus to each and every one of these kids.
SMT Malaysia Week 3 Reflection:
This past week we went to a native village and handed out bags of food, clothes, and other supplies. We hiked a couple miles uphill through the jungle to their homes. It was a very humbling experience to witness how they live, and yet they are so happy and content living together in community. We all have so much to thank God for.
We also had our own 4th of July celebration!! We made macaroni and cheese, chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, brownies, and ice cream for the kids to enjoy. We taught them the cha cha slide and church clap dances. Then we lit off fireworks and had fun with sparklers.
We have been loving the opportunity to lead nightly devotions for the kids and are so grateful for every minute spent with them! It has also been fun playing outside with the kids! Especially soccer, basketball, kickball, and capture the flag.
We appreciate your prayers for our team! Please continue to pray for us!
Malaysia SMT Week 4 Reflection
The week started off with a sports day. We had so much fun playing basketball, kickball, soccer, and badminton. When the kids had Monday off of school, we went on a boat ride, had a picnic at a park, and enjoyed Gods beautiful creation (including crazy monkeys). We also visited a temple and hiked up a lot of stairs to see an amazing view of the city!
The boy’s home and children’s home came together for a farewell party. It was a time full of laughter, singing, dancing, and a few tears. The boys performed the fruits of the spirit song, and the girls performed a bali (Indian) dance. Then they dressed the team up in Indian costumes for a photoshoot with the kids.
These four weeks in Ipoh went by so fast, but the memories and time spent with the kids will last a lifetime. We have gotten to know each kid so well – their personalities, hobbies, backgrounds, hopes, and dreams. It has been the biggest blessing from God to show them love and feel so loved by them. It’s extremely hard to say goodbye, but we are looking forward to seeing what God has prepared for us in Penang for the last week in Malaysia.
Malaysia SMT Reflection Week 5
We were graciously welcomed with smiles at the Children’s Home in Penang, Malaysia. Throughout the one week we had in Penang, our team lead a VBS night about the Beattitudes, cleaned and painted their basketball hoop, and had some great fellowship! We were able to participate and lead a young adult Bible study, Sunday School, and the worship service. It has been such a great time to give God the glory for all that He’s done for our team!
We also got an amazing opportunity to go to Thailand for a day! Our hearts are so full of thankfulness for the time that God has given us to share His love with each and every kid. We will never take for granted the opportunity we had to pour love, care, and encouragement into the children’s lives. These kids have affected and inspired us in so many ways. Praise God!
Colossians 2: 6-7:
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”


Scotland SMT Week 1 Reflection
The Scotland team has all had their fair share of dealings with small town living. But as the largest of all the small towns of Orkney islands, we have never experienced a welcome in a town where everyone knows AND everyone does their best to include locals, tourists, and all people they may come across.
After three plane rides and a time change, we were welcomed by the cutest and most rambunctious smile from the three-year-old. The Kirkwall corps officers and their daughter were waiting for us with a welcome sign and open arms. We rested for a while before helping set up for the first ever quiz night at the Burray outpost.
Sunday the team attended a prayer meeting, and two Sunday services. Nyakuar and Mallory gave testimonies, while Hannah and Nyakuar joined the corps brass brand, Hannah also joined the songsters on Sunday. (Later that week some team members also attended a songsters practice at the corps.) Hannah and Nyakuar were also a part of a 5 part Brass band put together for the Shetland Orkas festival, being the first Salvation Army Brass band to play in Shetland in many years.
We’ve also been helped with the toddlers and mom Group (called Kailliefliees “butterflies in America” toddler group), then attended activities like home league which is the women’s ministry and pizza and prayer.
Lastly this week we helped celebrate Burray outpost 5 year anniversary, with testimonies given by BobbiJo and Meosha. Meosha drew a postcard for each table and the girls presented a signed copy to Captains John and Rebecca.
We ended our week by traveling by ferry to Shetland for the Orkas conference which has been amazing to see many countries represented with many ways of worship and praise being shouted and sung at once. We’re excited to see what is next, and we have been very happy to be a part of what God is already doing on these small islands of Scotland.
Scotland SMT Week 2 reflection:
We started the week in the Shetland Isles. We were hosted by Majors Bev and Dave Womersly. We can see the way God is using their unique gifts to serve the people of the community and help the earth heal. We visited their polytunnels. Where they grow fresh produce, and take care of animals like chickens, goats, and lambs to give to people in need. They also help people learn about agriculture and the importance of reusing and recycling. It was beautiful to see how God called them to this place. There are six gardening beds, a cake shed open to all with free will donation (but no forced price) for those in need, as well as a second polytunnel used as a prayer space or Bible study space for anyone who may need it. Also while in Shetland we went to the Methodist church where Major Bev preached. (because there is no actual Salvation Army church building only the agricultural/prayer space ministry) at this service, Major Bev preached about how God is our refuge/fortress/ protection, and Cadet Christina and Meosha gave testimonies of how God has been that in their own lives over the years.
After the weekend in Shetland, we arrived back in Kirkwall and We spent multiple days this week in different church members’ homes to get to know them better. It has been a truly beautiful experience, and we have been so blessed by the many people who opened their homes and provided food and fellowship. We helped out with Junction café again (one of the team’s favorites), attended Bible studies, and some team members attended songsters and band. Another team favorite this week was the street ministry we did. We brought balloons, sweets, and war cries (the Salvation Army magazines) to pass out for free on the street to locals and tourists as a form of evangelism.
We ended the week helping lead the “friendship club” (elder people group). We listened to the history of the Salvation Army from London to Scotland, and we led the second part where the team made a powerpoint and talked about different ministries in the USA Central Territory. Hannah shared her testimony, and then we ended it with the SMT dance, and the hymn “Fan the Flame”. We helped serve for lunch club, prepped and planned for upcoming outreach, and ended the day and the week having a blast playing games with youth at the hall (another word for church or the corps) where Meosha prepared and gave a devotional to the teens.
Scotland SMT week 3 reflection:
We started week three by taking a ferry from Kirkwall to Westray to have a children’s and teens ministry outreach. The team planned a day full of games for the youth. It turned out amazingly well. Most importantly; in the beginning, in the middle of, and after all games, we presented a memory verse from the Bible. All of the youth were excited to take a chance to recite the memory verse. We were amazed at how God had worked in front of our eyes in this small village. Westray doesn’t have a big population, but over half the youth showed up and showed that they were open to life with Christ. This reminded me of the Captains 3-year-old daughter’s favorite song, “faith as small as a mustard seed”.
Sunday, the team attended two services. The first was Culture Sunday where all people were invited/encouraged to Celebrate and share their culture. The team members participated in various ways to highlight and share about their own culture. As well as the team getting to see, hear, taste, and experience traditional Scottish culture as well as locals who moved from other countries. We sang in English, Spanish, Igbo, Faroese, Shona, and Korean. The team also got to hear bagpipes as well as sing worship being accompanied by the bagpipes.
We also attended a prayer meeting, had dinners at the church families’ houses, and prepped for the two-day holiday club. (Or Vacation Bible school) At the holiday club, we had a blast! We taught memory verses, had Bible stories, and talked about God’s love for the kids. We also played games like Football, parachute games, jellyfish, the human-hungry hippo, musical chairs, legos, crafts, and many more! After our two days of fun with the kids, we ended our night and our week with a cèilidh. (Traditional Scottish social gathering) where they gave us a true Orcadian send-off. Where we all did traditional Scottish dances, ate a plethora of food, sang, talked, laughed, and cried. As hard as it was to part, we know it’s not a goodbye only a see you later. We will never forget the Orkney Islands, and more importantly our home away from home; Kirkwall. The kindness of this community will never be forgotten, and the people and this place will always be in our hearts, thoughts, and prayers.
Scotland SMT Week 4 reflection:
Week four started on a ferry, then an hour-long drive to Inverness. We learned some history and tried some food, before driving to Buckie and Findochty. While in Buckie and Findochty, we led a Sunday service and helped out in a two-day inter-generational “messy holiday club”. The first is Moana Themed, and the second is Inside Out. The themes of the movies were tied in with many crafts and with Jesus, and we also took the ministry outside to the beach with games on both days.
After these two days of holiday club in Findoctchy we traveled an hour by car to Fraserburgh where we joined in to their holiday club that was themed “run the race” perfect because of the Euros (The European football championship) that is ending now and the Olympics that are coming soon after. After the first day of the holiday club in Fraserburgh the team traveled back to Buckie and Findochty to help celebrate 140 years. And then back to Fraserburgh to finish out the last two days of the holiday club in Fraserburgh.
We ended our last day of the fourth week with a Cèilidh in the fraserburgh hall. We got to see highland Scottish dancing with history of each dance, as well as bag pipes and other Scottish songs. We ate and joined in on other Céilidh dances. It was an amazing time and experience seeing how each corps (or church) did things differently but all had the same goal in mind, which was to plant seeds of a strong foundation in the little ones.
Scotland SMT week 5 reflection:
This week for the Scotland team started by traveling to Aberdeen and spending the bulk of the day there. We visited the Aberdeen Citadel Corps and got some history on this castle-inspired church built by the Salvation Army in 1896. We spent the day enjoying exploring and learning about the history of Aberdeen before heading back to Fraserburgh.
On the last day of being in Fraserburgh, the team led the church service, had a small youth program, and then spent our last meal at the officer’s house watching the final Euros football match between Spain and England. We then caught a ferry to meet the officers/ministers in Stornoway who welcomed us with open arms.
We spent the week in Stornoway doing our last holiday club of the summer. We spent 5 days working on scripts, dances, crafts, and songs to tell the story of Jonah through “Splash the Musical”. As well as a day doing a beach clean at Garry Beach with “Clean Coast Outer Hebrides”. It has been a beautiful and special moment to see and work alongside Lt. Christopher and Lt. Faith.


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