by Austin Currera
My family and I moved from Louisiana to Indiana in 2018 with the intent of purchasing a family friend’s home. Unfortunately, the purchase of the home fell through, and we suddenly found ourselves homeless.
A friend offered a heated garage with access to the house bathroom until we could secure housing. However, local Child Protective Services (CPS) learned of our situation, and since there was no running water in the garage they removed our son and daughter and placed them temporarily in foster care.
Once again homeless, my wife, Katherine, and I located The Salvation Army in Henry County and used its parking lot to sleep in our van. We were hopeless. We knew we needed immediate help to change our situation and nervously entered the building to see if the Army could help us.
Katherine and I were instantly and lovingly engaged by Envoy Beth Stamper and corps members. Beth prayerfully provided much needed emotional support throughout the CPS court hearings. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Pathway of Hope case management, referrals to community resources, the steadfast support of corps members and our hard work, our family began to see a light at the end of our many challenges. Our main goal was to secure proper housing, which we did, and in a short time the kids were happily reunited with us.
I am proud to say we are stably housed. Our children are homeschooled by my awesome wife, Katherine, and I am employed fulltime as a chef at a local restaurant. More importantly, we have joined the fellowship at The Salvation Army where we participate in Bible studies, worship and children’s activities, as well as volunteer. We have found a spiritual family there and are thriving.
Our family expresses deep gratitude for the guidance and the emotional and material support provided by Pathway of Hope and corps members. Katherine and I often wonder what our lives would be like without our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and The Salvation Army. Now, the future looks brighter than ever.