Commissioners Lyndon and Bronwyn Buckingham will be the featured guests for this year’s commissioning weekend, Advance, June 10-12. We’d like to introduce you to these exceptional, enthusiastic, forward-thinking leaders.

Commissioners Bronwyn and Lyndon Buckingham, originally from the New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory, are passionate representatives of The Salvation Army. They have served as officers since they were commissioned in 1990 as members of the “Ambassadors for Christ” Session. Commissioner Lyndon assumed his current appointment as The Chief of the Staff on August 3, 2018, and Commissioner Bronwyn as the World Secretary for Spiritual Life Development on January 1, 2021, having previously served as the World Secretary for Women’s Ministries.

Over the years they have served in corps appointments in New Zealand and Canada, as Territorial Youth and Candidates Secretaries, Divisional Leaders and Territorial Program Secretaries.

On February 1, 2013, the Buckinghams were appointed to the Singapore, Malaysia and Myanmar Territory, first as Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries, and then assuming territorial leadership in June 2013. On January 1, 2018, they were appointed to lead the United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland, Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham as Territorial Commander and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham as Territorial Leader for Leader Development.

The Buckinghams are parents to Daniel and Emma, and their lovely daughter-in-law, Juanita. Daniel and Juanita are corps officers, and Emma holds a social ministry appointment, all in New Zealand. They are proud grandparents to Israel and Tobias. They are continually blessed, encouraged and challenged by the desire of their adult children to serve God in their generation.

In each of their appointments, the Buckinghams have displayed a desire to see the great news of the Gospel shared.

Bronwyn is inspired by the belief that God has a new truth to reveal to her daily and compelled by the promise that He is continuing to grow and stretch her (Philippians 1:6). She desires to be the woman God is calling her to be and is passionate to be part of an Army where the next generation will choose to embrace their leadership calling.

Lyndon is passionate about finding ways for The Salvation Army to be more effective in fulfilling its mission. He is determined to be faithful to the covenants he has made and is motivated by verses from Paul’s letter to the Colossians: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” (Colossians 3:23)

Both are intent on enjoying life, endeavoring to stay fit by walking and jogging. They enjoy reading, watching good movies and are avid supporters of New Zealand’s “All Blacks” rugby team!



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