Dear Central Territory friends,
We all want and need fresh starts, don’t we? God knew that about us and took the time to promise us new mercies every morning! And so, after a long and difficult 2021, we crave God’s fresh mercies to cover and fill us once again while thanking Him for His faithfulness, even in the wilderness moments where our dependence upon Him has been tried and perfected.
Friends, we pray God’s peace over each of you in the new unknown year ahead of us, and share this prayer as a corporate challenge and blessing, knowing that its fulfilment can shape and transform our hearts and indeed the Central Territory!
In 2022, may you serve your family a little more willingly,
notice your neighbor’s needs a little more quickly,
and find contentment in the life
you’ve been given a little more earnestly.
May you walk a little more humbly,
Love a little more freely,
Pursue holiness a little more cheerfully,
And show mercy a little more readily.
May 2022 be the year you say with David,
“The Lord is my portion and cup of blessing…
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places,
Indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” Ps. 16:5-6
More than anything,
may 2022 be the year you find God’s heart shaping yours.
Author Laura Wifler
Commissioners Brad and Heidi Bailey
Territorial Leaders
USA Central Territory