Children who spend at least half of their lives in poverty are 32 times more likely to be poor as adults—which means an intergenerational cycle of poverty. It doesn’t have to be this way. With access to resources, support and guidance, there is a way out. That’s the premise of The Salvation Army’s initiative Pathway of Hope (POH) which began in the Central Territory nearly 10 years ago.
This fall the Do Gooders podcast, hosted by Christin Thieme of the Western Territory, has been focusing on poverty in America and how The Salvation Army is fighting back with POH. You’ll recognize some of the guests such as newly commissioned Central Territory officer Lt. Katherine Reid (the first officer commissioned who came to the Army through POH) and former Central territorial leader Commissioner Carol Seiler.
To learn more about POH and the Pathway of Hope featured on podcast fight against poverty in America, checkout the following episodes which have aired recently or will be broadcast shortly:
Episode 88: “Introducing The Salvation Army’s initiative to solve intergenerational poverty” with Ron Skeete
Episode 89: “The state of poverty today and what it means for families” with Dr. Elaine Waxman
Episode 90: “Why we all need community” with Trina Crawford
Episode 91: “What hope does for our minds and bodies” with Dr. Suzanne Phillips
Episode 92: “How it all came to be” with Commissioner Carol Seiler
Episode 93: “The key components of psychological self-sufficiency” with Dr. Philip Hong
Episode 94: “My testimony is hope” with Lt. Katherine Reid