by Major Cherri Hobbins
“This is what the LORD says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls’” (Jeremiah 6:16, NIV).
As Lt. Colonels Richard and Vicki Amick reflected over their 43 years of officership, there were many crossroads, occasions for a choice of direction. Some are common to officers like accepting Christ as Savior, responding to a call to officership, marriage and family. Others, not of our choosing, include times of disappointment, sickness and loss. However, we are given the opportunity to choose how we respond, allowing experiences to cause either a bitter spirit or a deeper reliance and trust in the Lord.
Time and again, the Amicks have chosen the path of closely following the Lord. Their responses to life’s challenges have been shaped by daily meditation on the Bible and prayer. As a result, God has worked through them to accomplish His purposes and plans for their lives. They have discovered where the “good way” lies and have faithfully walked that path.
Their retirement service was full of stories and experiences that brought joy and laughter. The fun-loving ways in which the Amicks have approached corps and headquarters appointments have brought a pleasant atmosphere. Their care and concern for others, as evidenced by “Friday walk-arounds” and an open office door, have brought a spirit of comfort and solace. Both are known for praying with others in times of joy and sorrow.
Lt. Colonel Dick has used his gift of administration of finances for the majority of his officership. The Central Territory has been strengthened because of his diligence in handling the financial assets given by others for the glory of God and the benefit of those in need. He is a good financial steward!
Lt. Colonel Vicki has used her effervescent personality to uplift others. Her infectious laughter has filled the halls and rooms of her appointments. In recent years, the territory’s retired officers have found in her a trusted friend. She’s been a faithful and diligent prayer warrior.
At the conclusion of their retirement service, the Amicks shared a vocal duet, “As for Me” (Maranatha! Singers), that summed up the secret to their ministry. Based on Psalm 17:15, the catchy tune underscores the good paths of those who seek the Lord:
“As for me
I will behold Thy face in righteousness
I will be satisfied
When I awake with Thy likeness
I want to be just like You Lord
So as for me I will behold Thy face.”