by Colonel Steven Howard, Chief Secretary
In this issue of Central Connection, you will be presented with several articles related to women’s ministries taking place across the Central Territory. There is no doubt that women have had and will continue to have a profound impact on the ministry of The Salvation Army, here and around the world. Our Founders recognized that as demonstrated in the advancement of the Army’s mission in the early days. This can still be seen clearly today with influence of women in all aspects of our operations as they serve as active members of boards, councils, committees, task forces, etc. That influence is even more profound when you think about the women who are involved in the day-to-day Army ministries. The impact is felt in the lives of the children, women and men who come through our doors.
I think of the women who are powerfully presenting the Word of God in pulpits across our territory every Sunday. They are rightly dividing the Word of Truth as they preach and as they teach every week. Consider the women who provide ongoing leadership to the Pathway of Hope initiative that helps families move out of the grip of generational poverty. What about women who administratively lead our Kroc Centers or Adult Rehabilitation Center programs? They are making a difference for the Kingdom of God.
Reflect for a moment on the women whose work may go unnoticed by the headlines as they serve those who are hungry or teach others to follow Jesus with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. They may work in our soup kitchens or food pantries. They may teach Sunday school or corps cadets. They may visit those who are sick and infirm. They do all this in the name of Jesus and for God’s glory and honor.
Ponder the women who have had an influence on you. Who are they? What were the touchpoints that impacted your life and its direction? I can’t help but think about my mother’s influence on my life. Not only did she bring me into this world, but she was also my Sunday school teacher for a few years and later was my corps cadet counselor. She has been an example of steady faith and service to all. What about you? Who are the women who have positively influenced you for good and for God? There is no limit to the capabilities and impact of women in our world. Thank you!