by Captain David Martinez
Think of a ministry or program at your corps that is successful and long lasting. It was probably started or led by a soldier. While corps officers can develop an effective ministry, if it depends on them it will often end with their change of appointment. However, ministries with soldier leadership stand the test of time. World Services is no exception.
Having a World Services goal of any size can be both daunting and a blessing. Of our three corps appointments, our current one, Dearborn Heights, Mich., has the largest World Services goal by far. Yet, the size of the corps’ congregation is not the determining factor for successful World Services fundraising. All three corps have been relatively similar in size. The desire of the congregation has not been the challenge either as they’ve all had enthusiasm for supporting overseas ministry. I’ve found the difference in the ability to raise the World Services goal is a spokesperson who provides passion and works hard toward this ministry.
Accomplishing the World Services goal in our present corps is only possible because we have a missionary sergeant. Since 1973 Bev Herivel has filled this role. As part of her ministry, she has created a World Services Committee of corps members who work alongside her. With Bev’s direction, Dearborn Heights has raised over $1 million for World Services in the last 20 years. Supporting overseas work is a selfless ministry. Most of us will never get to meet the recipients or see the impact of our giving. Still, Bev said, “I’m amazed at the privilege of relationships and opportunities that I’ve encountered as missionary sergeant.”
Do you have the gifts of empathy, compassion and organization? Does learning about other cultures and countries interest you? Are you a storyteller? Have you ever been the recipient of support and now you’d like to help others? Then pray about the possibility God is calling you to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth by becoming your corps’ missionary sergeant.
Want to learn more? Talk to your corps officer. And if you’re a corps officer who is overwhelmed by all the responsibilities you have, take time to pray about a missionary sergeant for your corps.