by Joan Kurtz, Program Consultant
Did you log on to social media yesterday? Did you see photos of individuals with a RED X on their hands and the hashtag #ENDITMOVEMENT? Did you wonder what that represented?
On February 13, The Salvation Army joined 16 coalition partners and countless individuals across the world to participate in END IT DAY 2020. END IT DAY is an invitation to take a stand against human trafficking. By utilizing a simple RED X drawn on the hand, END IT DAY calls others to join in the fight for freedom and to shine a light on human trafficking. Our Territorial Leaders, Commissioners Brad and Heidi Bailey, blazed the path in the fight against human trafficking by boldly displaying the RED X on END IT DAY 2020. In addition, END IT DAY was observed at the Territorial Headquarters chapel service by inviting participants to pray for those experiencing human trafficking and to join in the END IT DAY movement.



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