In recognition of her outstanding service to the Lord and the Kansas City Eastside, Mo., Corps, Juliet Walker is the first recipient of the newly established Lt. Colonel Ruth Bonifield Leadership Award.
Juliet serves as young people’s sergeant major, sunbeam leader, worship team leader and a Sunday school teacher. Not satisfied with serving only on weekends, she even takes Mondays and Tuesdays off work so she can be involved in corps programs and uses vacation days to lead vacation Bible school!
“Juliet is active in women’s ministries as well. Within the last year she has introduced three new ladies to the group,” said Major Janice Love, corps officer. “She also provides pastoral care and ministry to people within her sphere of influence.”
Juliet’s passion for ministry grew when she attended the National Seminar on Evangelism. Saving souls became her primary concern—not just at her corps and in her neighborhood, but everywhere.
The award affirms Juliet in her leadership, indicating that her corps officer and divisional leaders recognize her commitment and growth potential.
“We are grateful for the life of Lt. Colonel Ruth Bonifield and how her legacy of advancing the position and role of women in The Salvation Army continues through the generous gift of her family to develop others in leadership,” said Major Darlene Harvey, Kansas and Western Missouri (KWM) divisional director of women’s ministries.
The award will be presented to one outstanding woman soldier or adherent in the KWM division each year. The woman chosen receives a scholarship to the Central Bible Leadership Institute or another training opportunity.