Praying for our Partners in Mission

As Partners in Mission it is our privilege and responsibility to pray for these territories. Thanks for lifting up the specific prayer requests listed below.

Caribbean Territory

With more than 12,000 senior soldiers, 3,700 junior soldiers, 2,000 adherents and 250 active officers in 16 countries, the territory has 130 corps, 46 outposts, 131 schools, 29 institutions and 1,200 employees. Pray for:
• Ongoing hurricane relief efforts
• Training and deployment of youth leadership
• Relationships between The Salvation Army, churches and non-profits

Kenya East Territory

This territory has more than 86,000 senior soldiers, 75,000 junior soldiers, 600 active officers, 445 corps, 246 outposts and 372 schools. Pray for:
• Peace in Kenya and a resolution to many complex issues
• Officers and soldiers as they minister to other

India South Eastern Territory

With 400 active officers, more than 56,000 senior soldiers, 16,000 adherents and 5,000 junior soldiers attend 326 corps and 152 outposts. Pray for:
• Perseverance in face of persecution
• Continued spread of the gospel (barriers include poverty, illiteracy, cultural barriers, religious opposition and a rigid class system)

Congo Brazzaville Territory

The territory has more than 21,000 senior soldiers, 12,000 junior soldiers, 3,000 adherents, 300 active officers, 116 corps and 118 outposts. Pray for:
• Proclamation of a pure gospel devoid of syncretism and heresy
• Ministry to Central African refugees

Sri Lanka Territory

More than 4,000 senior soldiers, 1,000 junior soldiers and 700 adherents attend 44 corps with 100 active officers. Pray for:
• Freedom of religious expression and evangelism efforts
• Physical and relational healing after a generation of civil war
• Spiritual development of children, youth and young adults

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