“Jesus wants to talk with us. He desires to communicate with us,” said Prezza Duncan, a fourth-generation Central Salvationist whose life mission is to encourage others in their faith through prayer.

For the past two years, she has dedicated herself to introducing others to intentional prayer to deepen their relationships with the Lord, whether they are meeting Him for the first time or have known Him for years.

As a student at the War College in Vancouver, Canada, Prezza learned how to listen during prayer  rather than only speaking. “Although I prayed the way most people do, asking God to help me with things, I thought I couldn’t hear from God, and I had a hard time hearing what He was saying to me,” she said.

She became passionate about prayer as she experienced God in new ways in the prayer rooms she visited. She discovered she wanted others to experience God in those powerful ways as well. The following year she lived in Italy and Sweden, where she set up prayer rooms and engaged in prayer ministry. Next she was asked to work as part of a support team for the replanting of a corps in Buckingham, England.

Everything was set when a problem with her visa arose with the Swiss government after she traveled via Switzerland to return to Canada for a conference, threatening to not only derail this opportunity  but prevent her reentry into Europe for three years! Devastated, Prezza waited, wondering what God was doing and whether she was really called to work in England. When the impossible happened—permission to return to Europe with no fine or appeal necessary—she was shocked.

“I finally understood,” she said. “This is what childlike faith is: believing that if God calls us to something, He will make a way. If He says He’s going to do it, He will.”

In England, Prezza worked with a team to rebuild the Army’s relationship with the community surrounding the corps. They engaged in street outreach and door-to-door ministry until they became a familiar presence. Opportunities arose to pray with many people along the way. “It was encouraging to see God working in the community,” she said.

Next, Prezza will again be in Vancouver where she plans to spend two years training in leadership, church planting and urban monasticism with the 24/7 Prayer Movement which will be hosted by The Salvation Army’s 614 Corps.


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