NAOC Contest Rules

 “Expect Change”

National Advisory Organizations Conference

April 21-24, Phoenix, Ariz.


Contest Rules


The commands with the highest percentage of Advisory Board registrations win!

  • Every corps community center with an Advisory Board, within the United States, is eligible to participate with the exception of the NAOC Host Southwest Division.
  • Advisory Board members only are eligible to be included in the Command registration count.
  • Registrations must be completed by March 18, 2016, to be eligible for inclusion in Command total.
  • One Command per territory (Western, Central, Southern, Eastern) will be declared the winner based on paid registrations received by the deadline.
  • Advisory Board delegates representing the winning Command in each of the four territories will be invited to attend The Salvation Army’s VIP Reception on Thursday, April 21, 2016, 7:00 p.m., at The Heard Museum. The Command and Divisional Leaders also will be invited to attend.
  • Charlotte Jones Anderson, Executive Vice-President of the Dallas Cowboys, will present each winning “team” an autographed football to be used in Command fundraising. There will also be a photo opportunity with Charlotte at the time of presentation.


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